Generalized Math for SPCs

Consider the figure to the right. P denotes the path taken by the center of the chariot, e.g. the base of the pointer's pole. The parallel lines are the tracks of the road wheels, by design always holding a distance (perpendicular to P) of a, which is half the track width. For each distance s traveled on the path P the distance L as function of s and distance a can be given. If the plane isn't flat, a must be reasonable small to make the following math valid. Next let's define q as the angle turned by the pointer relative to some fixed point on the chariot. Again we may assume that q is a function of s. Now we postulate a design a valid SPC construction if it fulfills the basic equation q(s) = {L(a;s) - L(-a,s)} / 2a      [q measured in radian]

That simple ? Let L(-a;s) be 0, i.e. the left wheel doesn't turn at all. If the chariot runs a full circle, L(a,s) will be 2*(2a)*PI for geometrical reasons (circumference of circle), whereas q(s) has to be one turn, that's 2*PI. Inserted in the equation, equality results. Q.E.D.

As an example lets take the design of N. C. Ta'Bois. The only things fixed to the horizontal shaft are the shafts for the gears y1 and y2. The shaft  w (and the pointer) is held vertical by the pole (not shown here, see picture of model).
Each wheel of radius R transforms the length L along its track into a rotational angle for its gear x

rot(x) = L(a;s) / R
If the horizontal shaft rotates at rot(h), the standard equation for differentials gives
rot(z) = 2*rot(h) - rot(x)
The vertical shaft w does not rotate around the horizontal shaft. Therefore with the same differential formula
2 * rot(w)  = rot(z1) + rot(z2)
= 2*rot(h1) - rot(x1) + 2*rot(h2) - rot(x2) = 4*rot(h) - {rot(x1) + rot(x2)} = 0

2* rot(h) = {rot(x1) + rot(x2)} / 2

Next we take from the design that v has twice as many teeth as x, so we may state for the pointer
rot(v) = rot(z1) / 2
All of this packed into the basic equation from the beginning of this chapter delivers:
q(s) = rot(v)
= {2*rot(h) - rot(x1)} / 2
= {rot(x1) + rot(x2)} / 4 - rot(x1) / 2
= {rot(x2) - rot(x1)}/4
= {L(a;s) - L(-a,s)} / 4*R
= {L(a;s) - L(-a,s)} / 2*a
The last two lines can be simplified to the wanted equation:
R = a / 2

Source: M. Santander: The Chinese South-Seeking chariot; American Journal of Physics, 9/92, pages 782ff